Thus, the actions based in this form of reason approach the people, which express tend to arrive at an agreement, thus being able, to cooperate between itself. It is necessary that language and dialogue prevail as form of manifestation of the democratic feelings and that influences, it fiscalizes and it organizes action in favor of the construction of a society of equal. In pedagogical relations, traditionally have insistent habit of appropriation of procedures or instruments in detriment of the construction of process of pedagogical making. The procedural direction of the reason is supervalued because the education is finalistica, the necessary school to fulfill a resume, a period of learning calendar and the society yearns for results, from there the imediatista and consumista vision that takes account of the social relations. On the other hand, it is had possibility of significao of the language from the procedural direction of its use. While instrumental reason reproduces a globalizada culture and contributes for extinguishing or minimizao of less expressive cultures the communicative reason, gotten from the procedural direction of the use of the language, provides the real interaction between the citizens and, the comment of multiple cultural manifestations and not only. The search for the dialogue is the mark most well-known of this direction of the reason.
The interaction between the agents social of the education, that is, professors and pupils, lack of this procedural direction of the reason, since in the pedagogical relation the envolvement of all must be objectified the agents in language relation. Thus, the social actions that if they erect in this form of reason, imbricam in the approach of the people, which express tend to arrive at an agreement, thus being able, to cooperate between itself. The cooperation favors the education process and of learning in the direction that the interactions are excellent between the citizens of this process, it has felt in the language of both as well as cultural valuation.