Digital Bookkeeping

Digital bookkeeping: it does not leave suaempresa to arrive behind Zanini* Landmark In the last year, a new siglaincorporou it the glossary of the entrepreneurs. pparently arrived to be. I mention the Public System of Bookkeeping Digital, or simply Sped, project to it instituted officially for the federal government in April of 2008. Adespeito of its fast growth, the Sped still evokes doubts in great partedas company Brazilian. Especially in small the average, that concentramo bigger volume of CNPJs of the Country. Many had not yet understood importnciadessas four letrinhas, but the truth is that the Sped represents a verdadeiramudana of paradigm. Integrant of the Program of Acceleration of Crescimento (PAC), the Sped project involves the spheres federal, state and municipal. Ogoverno intends to modernize the transmission of the tributriasempresariais information to the agencies fiscalizadores.

This evolution goes to bring transparnciae bigger control on the contributions due. Differently of what amaioria of the people it can think about a precipitated evaluation, the objective not o increase of the collection. In the truth, with a more assertive fiscalization, asempresas Brazilians more tend to be seemed the company of pasesdesenvolvidos. The result is little tax evasion, becoming the economy more ecompetitiva joust and opening way so that the government reduces the bureaucracy and, quemsabe, until reduces the tax burden. It is intended to create a new way to dephase businesses. The Sped is for all, but the implementaodeste system is well different depending on the size of the company. Grandescorporaes possesss teams, budgets and planejamentos of YOU condizentes comseus transports.

In the company lesser, that does not have the same resources, caminhopara to prevent problems passes for the information and anticipation. To know since cedoo so great of the challenge in the migration makes all the difference. Perhaps the bigger impact sejaat of what if it thought, but to find the solution most adequate before dadata-limit goes to prevent damages.