Federal University

Computer science for blind people and with low vision the appropriation of technological resources for the pupils who possess visual deficiency means a great change in its styles of life, the interactions, the participation in society to innovating habits and attitudes in relation to the education, the leisure, the work, the familiar and communitarian life. In this perspective, programs of readers of screen with voice synthesis exist, conceived for blind users, who make possible the navigation in the Internet, the use of the e-mail, the processing of texts, operated spread sheets and a infinity of applicatory by means of keyboard commands that they excuse the use of mouse. It more enters the known programs and spread out in Brazil, we detach: Operational system developed by the Nucleus of Electronic Computation of the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, gotten gratuitously by means of ‘ ‘ download’ ‘. VIRTUAL VISION? Brazilian software developed by the Micropower, in Is Pablo, conceived to operate with utilitarian and the tools of the Windows environment. He is compatible with Windows 95, 98 and ME. Distributed gratuitously for the Bradesco Foundation and Real Bank. JAWS? software developed in the United States. It possesss an ample gamma of resources and tools, he is most complete.

In Brazil, it does not have possibility of gratuitous distribution which had the high cost. It is compatible with the systems Windows NT 4,0, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 98 and 95. As main functions, we can detach: it works with applicatory of all the Microsoft line; it reads in high voice screen elements as menus, boxes of dialogue; he reads pages of the Internet as if the user was in a publisher of texts; he works in eight different languages; among others functions. They exist, still, other tools that make possible the book production in digital format, in audio and in Braille.