Florianopolis Director

CHILE CTH UFSC invited expert MB Zaniboni runs hospitals Renato Eduardo Pereira Dr. Gustavo Fricke Valparaiso and Vina Del Mar, to encourage the use of technology to improve care in health centers. The Technology Center Hospital CTHCHILE brought the administrative manager of the Biomedical Engineering Institute (IEB) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil, Renato Zaniboni, to share their experiences with the clinical staff of hospitals Dr. Eduardo Pereira de Valpara so and Gustavo Fricke Vina Del Mar. The Master of Electrical Engineering explained the impacts that the IEB has been in hospitals in Florianopolis in relation to improving its economy and management. Same work that the CTH CHILE is looking for in public health institutes nationwide, encouraging proper use of technology and control equipment. For this very reason, Zaniboni, along with the CEO of CTC Chile, Cristian Diaz, met with the director of the Hospital Gustavo Fricke, Leonadordo Caimi, and the deputy director of the Hospital Dr. Eduardo Pereira, Letizia Zamorano. In the metropolitan area, expert advice and maintenance of medical equipment of last generation, held meetings with the deputy director of operations at the Hospital del Salvador, Cesar Palomares, the director of the Metropolitan Service South East, Pedro Yanez, director of Western Metropolitan Health Service, Jaime Manriquez, responsible for purchases based health services, Wilma swept and Deputy Managing Director Hospital Sotero del Rio. In the capital presented the methodologies and impacts of technology management, space and practical experience gained by the IEB associated with hospitals. In addition, analysis of similar cases with the Chilean reality. The meetings held with CTHCHILE Zaniboni and health professionals were intended to explain the experiences of the state of Santa Catarina and its feasibility to be implemented in the country.In this sense, works cooperatively with IEB CTHCHILE for optimal service delivery in health centers.