Global Challenge

We know that the gas discharge of greenhouse effect generated by the human activity is the main cause of the climatic change, as the Intergovernmental Panel has declared on Climatic Change of the UN. As our planet is warmed up grows the risk of which all the humanity confronts a series of catastrophic consequences due to the global heating. When being fused the polar caps in Greenland and the Western Antarctic, many countries could be seen submerged. A modification during the current of the Gulf could cause drastic climatic changes and great part of the biodiversity could be erased for always. Although one is long term risks and are many uncertainties, is a taking of brings back to consciousness increasing on the necessity to act fast, to begin to adopt measures that reduce these risks. The last Report on Human Development of the PNUD, " Fighting the climatic change: human solidarity in a world dividido" , it adds one second powerful reason to start up of immediate form: a delay in measures would have serious consequences for the human development in some of the poorest places of the world, and could mine the efforts to fight the poverty. The poorest countries will suffer, in the short term, most of the load of the climatic change: majors meteorological droughts, extreme catastrophes, tropical storms and increases of the level of the sea. And it is that, as indicates the report of the PNUD that recently we have presented/displayed in Brasilia next to the Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula gives Silvia, in Ethiopia, for example, that a boy is born during a year of drought increases his probabilities of being undernourished in a 35%. If we did not act now, the climatic change will deepen the present global inequalities of rent. All the investment that we have made to reach the Objectives of Development of the Millenium could be weakened and a backward movement in the obtained developing advances could be produced human.