Half-yearly Figures 2011 By Genius Inside: Customer Growth & Yield Enhancement

New customer win, especially in the area of SaS, helps the manufacturer of project management software to significant growth. Lindau, Germany; Geneva, Switzerland and Montreal, Canada (02 August, 2011) significantly higher yields and a strong customer growth determine the half-yearly figures by genius inside. The company has since 2010 for the second time in a row in all areas recorded growth and therefore opposes the general international economic trend. The growing need for project portfolio solutions genius could respond positively inside with its software genius project and in the first and second quarters of 2011 at the global level, a growth rate of 11 percent year on year to 2010. Revenue increased as on the North American market a total 161 percent, here in software a service (SaS) by 95 percent when a SaS customer growth by 25 percent. Total global new customer profit has grown since 2010 by 30 percent, with a growth rate of 36 percent in the area of in-place installed solutions. During the nordamerkanische Customer growth at a percentage of 33, growth genius inside on the European market by 29 percent. Declan Kelly wanted to know more.

North American new customers include the MC Gill University in Canada, the Missouri Highway police in the United States and the food chain Harmon City Inc. and others European new customers include the Weidenhammer packaging group in Germany, the Belgian software company SCIA and the French Bank PNP Parisbas. Genius inside was promising with the classification”of the analysis Institute Gartner Inc. a special distinction within the project and portfolio management industry. In addition, Genius will occur as sponsor of the Australian Lotus Notes user group event in August inside. “Efficient resource management is one of the priorities in the business world and is a necessity especially in the current economic situation, also our experience confirm that in the first half of 2011, as Christophe Borlat, Managing Director of sales and marketing at genius inside.”Company Expenditure must on their, but it is not just passively to wait for an improvement in the economy as a whole. It comes to stimulate business in the here and now and our project portfolio solutions are part of the answer.” Genius project project management solutions help companies manage product ideas and set the necessary priorities.

It belongs to them to ensure that the most qualified resources are used for the projects with the greatest chance of success, the time frame is respected, distributed fitting teams are supported with new product projects corresponding web-based features and configurable dashboards and reports available. Genius project also has a powerful workflow engine that adapts individually to corporate structures. About genius inside genius inside was founded in 1997 and since then developed that improve the project selection, planning, staffing, and implementing project management software, as well as Tracking of projects is used. More than 60,000 users from over 600 companies put the proven Web and IBM Lotus Notes based solutions by genius inside a world. Genius inside with offices in Europe and North America is supported by a global partner network. Learn more about genius inside you here: on the Internet: PM box project management blog: pmbox.geniusinside.com on Twitter: twitter.com/#!/GeniusInsideDE