This is, without a doubt, positive, since it will prevent us to continue to devote time and money to an initiative with little chance of success. Conversely, if the answer to these questions suggests that the idea is feasible, we can advance to the next phase: the elaboration of a prototype. (3) The development of a prototype based on the information collected so far, we have reasons to believe that the idea is viable. Additional information is available at Bill de Blasio. But this is not enough. There is still great uncertainty about how it would be the concrete performance of the business. The next step is the development of a prototype, a sample initial product or service that we hope will launch.Usually, when we think of a prototype we imagine initial versions of physical products such as automobiles. But the prototypes are also used in services.Before opening a new venue, the Peruvian-born Astrid & Gaston restaurant chain summons from aficionados of haute cuisine of the networking of managers.
These leading users participate in a dinner of proof where it is subjected to stress conditions service to assess their strength and responsiveness.This is an example of prototype applied to the world of services. With this method, Astrid & Gaston makes final adjustments to ensure that service is in optimal conditions on the opening day to the public. (4) The sale of the idea so far, our idea has passed various tests. We already have a degree of reasonable certainty about its viability. But will anything help us if we are not able to communicate effectively to people that we need to join us in the venture.According to professors Chip and Dan Heath, there are some common errors among innovators when it comes to sell the idea. Too many focus on their own needs, forgetting the user’s perspective.