Real Audio

MP3, for better or for worse, has revolutionized the world of music and has, again, to reflect worldwide about the protection of author’s rights, not only in that field but in all those domains that today the internet has invaded. For those who are not yet familiar with the topic MP3 (short for MPEG 1 Layer 3) can be defined as one of the best and most popular mode of audio in a computer storage. This format significantly reduces the size of an audio track of a CD. The MPEG 1 Layer 3 algorithm uses a complicated psycho-acoustic model that is based on the ability to remove those frequencies which the human ear cannot hear, is why the MP3 does not have the same quality as a track from an audio CD (although it is not noticeable). This new format drastically reduces the size of an audio file in relation to the WAV format. MP3 compresses one 90% more that the WAV format thus obtaining a not very heavy file. To give an idea a WAV file of 50 Mb compressed to MP3 will not occupy more than 6 Mb. It is by What this format is revolutionizing the whole world by its small size it is possible to download them from Internet (which previously could not be done with the WAV, although there are other formats such as Real Audio but that they do not possess the quality of an MP3).

Thanks to the MP3 many musicians from around the world can give to know with only record their songs to MP3 and put them on the network. But this format, become a reality in the world of the web, would not mean much if someone had not invented the famous search program called NAPSTER, which does nothing more than locate musical compositions, in MP3 format, that the user requires, in the millions of computers connected to the network at a given time, facilitating in this way the respective file is dropped directly on the remote computerwithout passing any intermediary and, of course, without causing any delivery purchase of song nor by copyright. As you could be expected NAPSTER is already famous by the multiple demands of record companies, composers, groups and entrepreneurs in the music, is syndicated to approximately 14 million users that provide programs the method more expeditious to violate copyright. NAPSTER responds, of course, that program does more than search or operation of identification of MP3 files, but that you do not copy, reproduced or incites to commit illegal acts who decided voluntarily to download the music file of the remote computer to your own is who commits the absence, unless there is a way to stop them, in the majority of cases. This summer several lawsuits impetrados by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), for many millions of dollars are pending decision, and meanwhile, users of NAPSTER and MP3 are wondering: why reason you will charge to Internet users, if charge anyone for listening to a song on a bus, a restaurant, the radio or the tv?