New PR agency PR4YOU Berlin-based PR agency PR4YOU put their customers now also with TV sponsorship in scene. Television is one of the most popular current media. \”We place our clients in the context of TV shows and use the three main benefits of the medium of television: the large number of contacts, the high emotion and actuality\”, explains Holger Ballwanz, owner and Managing Director of the Berlin-based PR agency PR4YOU. The Sonderwerbeform of TV sponsorship is excellent, to expand the brand awareness of the sponsor by an above-average high ranges. We rely on the program sponsorship, trailer sponsorship, title sponsorship or on the individual headings sponsorship. We bring the information to the point the brand message and emotional recharge. TV collaborations, it is also possible to integrate sweepstakes. Thus we would like to inform the viewers not only about the products of our customers, but encourage them also to act.\” Numerous customers the PR agency PR4YOU are in the future attention via TV sponsorship in.
The demand increased steadily after this Sonderwerbeform TV advertising, so that we can now offer our customers an additional service. You get everything from a single source: from consulting, through the production of the trailer up to the media circuit. Of course, we use also the cross-media opportunities and integrate the sponsor on the website of the TV channel. This increases not only visitors of the website of the sponsor, but it brings new customers. Learn more about the PR agency PR4YOU are available in the Internet at.