SME Day 2011

The Hessian Ministry of Economics from 14: 00 to the Hessian middle class day 2011 invites modern media for SMEs on September 22 at the visitor’s Center of the Volkswagen AG in Baunatal. “Title of the event: efficient use of modern media in SMEs”. In the event the Hessian founder award followed by 2011. Dieter Posch, Hesse Minister of Economics, transport and land development is a greeting to the guests and informs about the broadband with powerful high speed networks. What can afford modern IT in the middle class what must? What are the opportunities and risks involve Facebook, XING & co.? Hardly a company can escape today the modern media with their range and speed. Studies have shown that the most efficient channels for the development of new customer groups include the Internet and search engine advertising. Qualified professionals will find now faster and more numerous in the online portals of the job engines, as in the classic print media company.

Ever more diverse and complex are the electronic media, the more important the fitting accuracy in the choice of communication channel for the user is otherwise threatens end to undo the actual benefits the cost of updating the data flood. Guido Augustin GmbH is devoted to the opportunities and risks of Facebook, XING & co. in his lecture and focus in specifically on the needs of the middle class. “Like the Hessian company social media” so far employ illuminated Anja Gauler, Manager of economic and regional studies of the HA Hessen Agentur GmbH in her presentation. In the subsequent discussion, entrepreneurs to speak openly about their expectations of the modern information technology and bring their practical experience. The venue offers the opportunity to adopt modern technology in the automotive industry under the microscope. Klaus Heber, head of development in the business of transmission of Volkswagen AG introduces guests in his post the electronic transmission and mobility concepts of Volkswagen AG.

The Hessian middle class day ends with a snack. This is followed by the ceremony of this year’s Hesse founder award. Welcome some words addressed to Rudolf Stassek, spokesman for factory of Volkswagen AG, as well as the district administrator of the District of Kassel, Kassel Uwe Schmidt participants. Dr Bernd Curtius, Managing Director of the KIZ non-profit project company mbH explained after the selection procedure for the determination of the founders award 2011. “” “In the categories of courageous founding”, created jobs”and innovative business ideas” the best among the nine finalists for the Hessian founder price be determined 2011. “Dieter Posch, Hesse Minister of Economics, transport and regional development assume the eulogy in the courageous creation category”. Astrid Scheffer is responsible for the musical framework of the event. The event is supported by the European Fund for regional development (EFRE). Organizer of Hessian SME Day: Hesse Ministry of economy, transport and regional development, Kaiser Friedrich ring 75, 65185 Wiesbaden organization: RKW Hessen GmbH Dusseldorfer Strasse 40, 65760 Eschborn contact: Ulrike Herud phone 0 61 96 97 02-28 business contact: RKW Hessen GmbH Ulrike Herud Dusseldorfer Strasse 40 65760 Eschborn Tel.: 0 6196 / 97 02 28 press contact: RKW Hessen GmbH Ulrike Herud Dusseldorfer Strasse 40 65760 Eschborn Tel.: 0 6196 / 97 02 28 (on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Economics, transport and land development)