The Federal Law n 6,938/81, known as National Politics of the Environment, has for objective the preservation, improvement and recovery of the ambient quality favorable to the life and, therefore, to the health, aiming at to assure conditions to the partner-economic development and the protection of the dignity human being (article 2). Moreover, this law defines pollution as the degradation of the resultant ambient quality of the activities that direct or indirectly harm the health, the security and well-being of the population (article 3, interpolated proposition III, alnea ' ' a' '). Finally, it fulfills to mention the Law n 8,080/90, that it regulates in all country the actions and services of health. This law, beyond consigning the environment as one of some condicionantes factors for the health (article 3), foresees a series of actions integrated related to the health, environment and basic sanitation. REFERENCES GRADVOHL.
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