Knitting is strange, but after the terrorist attack September 11, 2001, millions of residents of the United States began to knit. Rapidly growing fashion for knitting in America account for a reaction to the increasing stress of daily life and the dominance of technology, denying the manual labor and creativity. Current residents of U.S. knit everywhere: subway cars, coffee shops, bookstores, and during lunch breaks. Passion Knit spokes on a scale not inferior yoga craze. And for many knitting is the new yoga. The fashion for knitted blankets, bags, ponchos, jackets, sweaters, long scarves and capes for pets maintains enthusiasm knitters. At least this is strange, but most of American women is important is not the result, and the process itself, or more precisely the therapeutic effect of this process and the opportunity to socialize with friends.
Responding to the interest in knitting, well-known companies have become offer services specifically for knitters. Thus, the rail company Amtrak organizes special trains for fans of knitting, shuttling between several cities in California. Passengers are offered sessions on exchange of experience with skilled knitters, and learning new knitting charts in the company by trade ally. One of the book stores Barnes and Nobles in New York hired live models and put them to knit in the shop window, promoting knitting and books devoted to this task. A study conducted by the American Council on RemeslamCraft Council of America, showed that in 2004 53 million Americans, or one third of women knew how to knit or crochet needles.