Venezuela Country
In its last announcement, Bolivar said: ' ' The military must empunhar its swords to defend asgarantias sociais' '. The last thing that a military man must make is to Continue Reading →
In its last announcement, Bolivar said: ' ' The military must empunhar its swords to defend asgarantias sociais' '. The last thing that a military man must make is to Continue Reading →
Thus, the capacity human being to act significantly, to pursue umsentido when it acts, interpretadaposteriormente implies the possibility of its action to be with regard to such direction/meant. The other Continue Reading →
It is psychic and intellectual a construction that causes a selective representation of the past, that never is only that one of the individual, but of an inserted individual a Continue Reading →
In So Paulo, for example, it is known as Folia de Reis, differently northeast that is known as only Reisado. In Sergipe it is presented at any time of the Continue Reading →
Gimera, a small town located on the island of Sicily, about 60 kilometers from the island's capital Palermo. Founded the city was approximately in the 7th century BC Greek colonists, Continue Reading →
Later a spreading of the Portuguese language occurs, also with the introduction of local schools, taking itself in consideration that ' ' language culta' ' of the time he was Continue Reading →
After all estamosfalando of a culture that we cannot leaves to call popular culture, poisest inserted in the way it people, potentially transmitted for the emmeio orality the people. These Continue Reading →
The first peoples who had arrived at the American continent had been the natives of the North America during the Pleistocene, in migrations of Siberia for the Alasca, possibly through Continue Reading →
Calendar – this is an essential attribute of modern life, which can be easily found in any home or office. Since ancient times the calendar has helped people fix the Continue Reading →
Assessing the gigantism of the ancient buildings, anyone is wondering – how did it all created by our ancient ancestors? Our ancestors in their myths and legends to us clearly Continue Reading →