The Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung (bpb) 2011 provided us with a challenge: A graphic with a three-dimensional globe, the you both turn, as well as using and away can zoom. The Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung (bpb) 2011 provided us with a challenge: A graphic with a three-dimensional globe, the man both turn both off zoom in and can. Individual countries, but also entire regions can be highlighted. A representation in 3D should visualize the worldwide distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) most intuitive and impressive way. So far, as feasible.
But then came the challenging: but please no Flash! There was clear, there can be only one solution – HTML5. HTML is our native language, our daily work tool for over fifteen years. Therefore we were pleased about the decision of the W3C, to develop a new version of HTML. With the final setting of XHTML in 2009 is the new version of HTML5 to the relevant markup language for the future of the Internet. HTML5 is one thing a choice for expressive, really multimedia surfaces and for a deep discharge complication *. The idea that the Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee followed with the design of HTML in the 1990s, continues: the open Internet, based on all usable technologies. HTML5 closes gaps that could not bridge XHTML.
As software programs were necessary so far by third parties such as Flash or Java to include audio and video elements or dynamic 2D and 3D graphics. Although still long not officially closed, HTML5 is already used by us in pilot projects. As always the time ahead, we exploit the possibilities: for our customers, here that bpb and for our projects. “With facts and figures 3D” that means: complete HTML5 programming, with which it is possible to use without Flash, and dynamic 3D graphics hardware acceleration. This interactive display of global GDP leaves Complexity and depth of information for the user can be immediately grasped. It the data for around were prepares 160 States, the total account for 99.8 percent of the world gross domestic product and where 99.5 per cent of the world’s population live. The figures from the years 1980 be used in 2008 and 2009. The data in “facts and figures 3D” are free. The user can retrieve the values for GDP, population and GDP per capita. In addition, he can choose which regions or States are represented and combined with each other. The differences between countries and regions at a glance become apparent through the 3D view. The possibilities of HTML5 will increase further with the ongoing development. One of the pioneering technologies of the Internet, we use with great enthusiasm and conviction. 3D = 200602484 our passion for the medium of the Internet is undiminished after fifteen years. Since 1996 as one of the first Internet agencies, we realize solutions for complex and communication-intensive Web sites. For this we were with the Grimme online award, as well as many other prizes awarded. Discharge complication – our key strength is our interdisciplinary competence.