When I found God, it was in a bathtub, taking one caipirinha of Vodka, later it was to play with rain, and with tonturinha of the Vodka, it made to rain excessively, it flooded cities and villages, after plus a dose, it was to play with the wind and with tonturinha of the Vodka it made to blow excessively, it destroyed city and villages, after plus a dose, it was to play with the oceans, it provovou imundaes and destrues, after plus a dose it was to play with the sun and with the effect of tontorinha of the Vodka, the land finished to burn all. I was thinking as God had made that? Drinking of that skill, nor wise person who it drank! But when I finished to wake up of my dream, vi that I was playing of God, thanks to God who scare I led. I yes drink Vdka. .