Worldwide Retail In Transition published global retail report 2011 report retail markets represented a worldwide in 38 countries on the basis of important key figures as well as the most important companies and their sales. On the other hand, an examination of trends in markets of all continents is performed. Established markets, as well as emerging markets, such as India and Russia are the United States, Britain, France and Germany, considered as. Retail sales US retail stores on the way out of the crisis In 2010 was $ 3.9 trillion (EUR 2.9 billion) in the United States, while there were still 3.7 Trillion (2.7 billion) in the previous year. This corresponds to an increase of 5%. After the end of the crisis, consumers increase their spending again, while the retail sector extends its range. Split development in Europe in Germany the retail 2010 recovered from the crisis. So the total sales amounted to more than EUR 400 billion and classic department stores celebrated a comeback.

The retail sales in France amounted to in the In 2009 just under EUR 400 billion and thus remained stable despite declining purchasing power. As the report global retail report 2011 “by, shows, will suffer in the future but many trade sectors in France under the difficult economic situation. The retail sales in the UK 2009 amounted to over 280 billion GBP (EUR 315 million). Expects that customers show themselves reluctant 2011, retailers tried to counteract with more quality and service. Retailers in Eastern Europe has strongly suffered from the crisis, as sales in Russia fell 2009 due to the reduced purchasing power 330 billion. However, the future expects that the growth rates can connect to the previous development. The report, global retail report 2011 “the Hamburg market research company makes it clear that the sales in Eastern European countries as a whole including already quickly due to population growth and the expansion of the retail infrastructure. Change rose on Asian markets also in China that Sales 2010 next and reached 15.4 trillion RMB (EUR 1.7 billion).

The country is for the trend to wholesale markets, which are spread out over the next few years about the entire Asian region. In India organized retail sales increasing and amounted to USD 2010 290 billion (EUR 219 billion). Experts assume that the retail sector will fully liberalize in the future. Press contact: GmbH & co. KG Behringstrasse 28a, D-22765 Hamburg phone: + 49 (0) 40-39 90 68 50 fax: + 49 (0) 40-39 90 68 51 E-Mail: Internet: Twitter: ystats about since 2005 researched current, objective and requirement-oriented market and competitive intelligence for executives from different industries. The Hamburg-based company with an international orientation focuses on the secondary market research. offers both market – and competition reports as well as customized research services. Leading customers include Companies in the areas of B2C E-Commerce, electronic payment systems, mail order and direct marketing, logistics, as well as banks and management consultancies.