Internet Laboratories

The pertinent data to this scientific article had been collected of information consisted in the sites of the respective astroroofs, which will be referenciados in the end of this work. In order to give account of this exploratrio study, the privileged method of this research is the bibliographical survey, through the reading and analysis of texts, concernentes books and articles to thematic abordada.3. RESULTS ALCANADOSO to be able and the influence of the media had never been so important how much currently, therefore the communications saw satellite and saw Internet become possible contact through the world, where, in real time the most diverse messages can all be chores and questioned by the planet. To follow the results of the research of some of these will be presented laboratrios.3.1. Media and democracy: a profile of the astroroofs of ways in America LatinOs given collected by this research mentions the paper to it of some laboratories in America Latin, which had been collected in Informe Latinobarmetro 2007, Bank of Datos en Lnea and article of Susana Herrera Damas and Rogrio Christofoletti, which consists interviews with the responsible ones for these laboratories, as well as data collected in sites of these laboratories in the Internet. As already it was said these laboratories of monitoramento of media, of the Latin American continent, try to perfect the medias, at the same time where they divulge the information shows to the reader a critical analysis. The astroroofs of ways assume an important role in what if it can call a miditica alfabetizao, (p 02) (…) However, for being inserted in realities that search a politics-economic-social stability and for monitoring little independent a miditico system, the Latin astroroofs have a more strategical function in the consolidation of the democracy that its analogous North Americans. For this and other reasons, efforts fit to identify, to tipificar to classify the experiences of accompaniment of the media in the subcontinent. .