Property Dualism

The interaction across the border between mind and associative cerebral cortex occurs only when there is a high level of diversified activity the brain's neural associative mechanism, when the level of activity is very low, such as in anesthesia or coma, the individual is unconscious and therefore is incapable of affecting brain processes. The physical world is not closed, as it may be influenced by mental states and in turn have an impact on them. Adapted from Pascual F. Martinez-Freire: "The mind-body problem to the mind-brain problem" Eccles part of the theory of three worlds of Popper to apply the radical mind-brain interactionism. So the world one (the brain) is capable of influencing the world 2 (the mind), impacting on the sensory and sensory organs.

Within the mental dynamics, the external sense of regret and self-conscious affects. In turn, self-conscious mind (the seat of the mind) affects the brain is selected eintegrando products of their actions, mental machinery is triggered by the will. Property Dualism: The epiphenomenalism and T. Hodgson Huxley "To us all the states of consciousness immediately caused by molecular changes of the cerebral substance. I think that in men there is no evidence that any state of consciousness is the cause of change is in the motion of matter in the body. If these positions are well founded, it follows that our mental conditions are simply the symbols in the consciousness of the changes that take place automatically in the body, and to take an extreme illustration, the feeling we call volition is not the cause of a voluntary act, but a symbol of a brain state that is the immediate cause of the act. .